We have something big brewing!!! Stay tuned!!
We have something big brewing!!! Stay tuned!!
Wondering what all the mugs on the wall at the brewery are about? Introducing our mug club!
The time is now to renew your mug club for 2025.
Mugs are available on a first-come, first-serve basis until January 15th.
The big day may have come and gone, we celebrated seven years and welcomed many new mug club members but keep in touch as we’re always up to something new and exciting.
The mug club started with the black mugs in 2018 to celebrate our regulars and create a sense of belonging and community here in Elizabeth. Our patrons could purchase the mugs online before the grand opening or in person after the big day on December 15th.
In 2019 we came back even stronger with the release of our yellow mugs. These mugs were released in June, just in time for a great summer celebration.
In 2020 the green mugs were released just-in-time for patrons to enjoy before the COVID-19 pandemic shut everything down. But don't worry we came back strong after the social distancing restrictions were lifted.
2021 we released our grey mugs, but this celebration was a little later than normal due to the supply chain issues resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
In 2022, due to vendor issues, the red mugs were finally released on September 1st at the brewery.
We are excited to announce that we will start selling the blue mugs for 2023 on November 1st. 100 mugs are available this year on a first-come, first-serve basis. All mugs must be purchased online this year through the website so that we can track the details in a less "neanderthal" way.
Each purchase of a mug club includes your first EBC craft brewery mug fill for free!
When you purchase a new mug club you will receive a 32 ounce EBC branded growlette. You can bring your EBC growlette into the taproom any time for a fill, but once a month, it's on us.
The next best thing to free beer, is discounted beer! That's right mug club members enjoy 50 cents off every pour throughout the year
Thursday night is mug night, and all mug club members can enjoy $1.00 off each pour. This mug basically pays for itself if you keep filling it up!
If discounted beer wasn't enough to convince you, with a mug club purchase, you get a 20 oz. mug that you can customize to show off your personality. This means you get 20% more beer for 50 cents less!
Each new mug club member or renewal will reward you with a super cool and stylish t-shirt you can wear around to show off your EBC pride.
You also get the actual mug. But don't forget the number you are assigned and let your bartender know your mug club number so you can get those four additional ounces of beer on every pour for less money. Many of our members have showcased their creativity with drawings on the bottom of their mugs. Not the artistic type? That's ok you can just write your name. Don't have a name? That's ok, our bartenders will happily make one up for you.
New mug club members or new mugs: $150.00
The mug belongs to the member and is stored at EBC for use throughout the year.
Annual mug club renewal: $100.00
You can keep your current mug and this year, you'll get a t-shirt to commemorate the new year.
Want to keep your legacy mug up on our wall year after year to let the world know how experienced you are at drinking our beer? No problem, we've got you covered. All you need to do is renew your mug club membership during our renewal period for $100.00.
If you want a new mug to go into your current spot on the wall, you still have the right to your number, just sign up for a new mug for $150.00 and specify your current number in the submission form.
If you want your old spot and a new spot, you can do that too by registering for both a new mug and renewing your old mug. Any mug that is not renewed will be taken off the wall and you can take the mug home. Any legacy mug members are still welcome to bring the mug in for a fill at the regular list price for a pint. Beers that are only available in a 10-ounce pour can be half-filled in your mug at a regular price too.
If you fail to pick up your mug, it is subject to a firing squad and crafting with Rickie and Brendan. In case you didn't know, they are really into mosaic art, but even more into shooting things. We don't actually know what they will do with your mug if you leave it behind, so please just take it home with you, to ensure that we are not left to our imagination. All new mugs and non renewals must be picked up by December 31st.